Laser Therapy is a high intensity light energy. In laser periodontal therapy, the provider uses a dental laser to access and remove the inflamed gum tissue from around the root of the tooth or dental implant. The laser utilizes a small, flexible laser fiber about the width of a paperclip. When placed into the periodontal pockets, the laser energy emitted through this fiber precisely removes the unhealthy diseased gum tissues lining the pocket while leaving the healthy gum tissues intact. After the unhealthy gum tissues have been removed, the teeth are thoroughly cleaned and the laser is utilized at a different setting to stimulate the formation of a blood clot in the pocket. Lasers also “vaporize” the bacteria that causes periodontal disease, and promote the return of the periodontium to a state of health.
Periodontal Laser Therapy Benefits:
• Lasers can target the diseased areas precisely and accurately.
• Minimally invasive periodontal surgeries
• Less bleeding, pain and swelling
• Recovery and healing times are shorter.